

Douglas Hockey Association's Adult hockey program is for
players aged 18+

The Program:
Each week the Adult Program is run by qualified coaches and umpires and includes specifically designed drills for all skill levels. Teams compete in a community club competition.

Adult Hockey is held on Sunday’s from 10:45 to 11:45 at the Mossman Showgrounds Sports Precinct May until late October.Monday nights from 6.30 am to 8.00 pm at the undercover area of St Augustines during the wet season of late October to March and
Cost $155 per player for Seniors and $100 for full time students.
This includes Hockey Queensland Registration & insurance.

Sticks and shinguards are available for sale at the clubrooms.
Water bottle and mouth guards need to be used.

Socks- Purchase from club
Players are requested to wear black shorts/skirt/bike pants
Footwear- runners or sports boots.

See our Registration section for payment details